Friday, November 11, 2011

How to rebuild Intel Raid (isw) on Linux

For years, I’ve ran many small servers running the popular ICH/ISW Intel Storage Matrix RAID in Raid-1 configuration. For many years this has worked absolutely perfectly with no issues on both Windows and Linux. But something has always really bugged me. What do i do when (and they will) a drive fails? How does ISW handle it?
On Windows, this is simple, you launch the Storage Matrix software and click rebuild (if it isn’t rebuilding automagically). But how do you do this on a Linux server which has no Storage Matrix software? After hours of Googling, i came across the command “dmraid -R”. But that didn’t work in my test environments.
So i spent a whole afternoon figuring this out. This is what i found.

Send email from command line with OpenSUSE, Postfix and relayhost

For sending email from command line to an email address via a relay host with Postfix in OpenSUSE, do the following:
Edit postfix main configuration file (/etc/postfix/ to

relayhost = []

Then install a simple sending email utility (mail)

#zypper install mail

Then  try to send email from command line with:

#mail -s "Test email"